Pending Combinations

These are pending requests to modify the target device and version of a combination.
These requests can be created using the 'Submit a combination' button on the home page or by clicking here
Requested by Combination ID New Device New version
mziegler8888 13909998 8.2.0
zyxel-xin 17261275 2
zyxel-xin 15067305 Z2
larry7616 110329 8.1
rznadmin 3577165 CentOS7
husenisaboowala 5664506 AS1.0
husenisaboowala 17411623 REV0.7
HamzaElkina 3577165 8
gziller 3577165 PacketFence 8.0.1
gziller 3577165 1
hakanakinci06 15453883 PacketFEnce 8.10
rod80 15453883 PacketFence 8.1.0
pierluigigrossi 3577165 VMware, Inc. 6
aldhar 3577165 Mac OS 10.12
keber5407 15888224 Windows 10 Pro
indigo360 16022714 Dell Inc. iDRAC
brucehubbert 15907500 Apple iPad iPad 4
keber5407 15888224 Windows 10 Pro
bojankikrick 5013009 Windows OS windows server 2016 Datacenter
taythai 15453883 PacketHop, Inc. 8.0.1
grodrum 15362199 7.5.1804
DhiegoC 3577165 Linux OS 8
bealler30 3577165 iPhone 6 11.4
poubso 14097277 Nabto 1.1
alvarogroy 15017517 8.0.0
alvarogroy 15017517 8
alvarogroy 13133440 8
nerusupalli 14512704 windows 10 enterpsise
VietnamPingeon 3577165 7.3.1611
VietnamPingeon 3577165 MICROHARD S.R.L. 8.0.0