Pending Combinations

These are pending requests to modify the target device and version of a combination.
These requests can be created using the 'Submit a combination' button on the home page or by clicking here
Requested by Combination ID New Device New version
bareltk 14162689 OnePlus 5 8.0.0
AbhishekHerle 14245886 Apple TV 1
dorattias 13312014 PT-737
LijieZhou 12648810 Windows OS 10
Lalksy 9468 Amazon Echo Echo Plus
jlchevet 11342721 1
ttmtrang 405014 iPhone 7 10.3.3
dicsi 405014 RHEL 6.4 or Centos6.4 7.1.0
teoconnor32015 687419 LGE Android LG G2
cloudghana 110329 RHEL 6.4 or Centos6.4 Proxmox
markee09 405014 Linux OS 6.9
achiarello 9780403 KVM ASMB8 iKVM
pkuhner 6950424 7.0
DaniloQuirino 405014 Debian-based Linux 8.7.1
batasibuk 8963167 Mac OS X or macOS 10
Pattu88 8707440 ASUS Router RT-AC66U
Knot-found 405014 4.0.4
fpaniagua217 7616739 Debian-based Linux Debian 8
bacada105 7283658 1
farsonic 3996531 1