Pending Combinations

These are pending requests to modify the target device and version of a combination.
These requests can be created using the 'Submit a combination' button on the home page or by clicking here
Requested by Combination ID New Device New version
arengates 8531018 Ring Solutions 1
saaddya 26360697 8
smallnuaa 26356330 Samsung C7010
smallnuaa 26303556 Honor 6Plus
abrahamcaro 3577165 7
becchett 893171 FUJITSU LIMITED Fujitsu USB TO LAN 10/100Mbps
becchett 26138406 FUJITSU USB to LAN 10/100Mbits
Kunta-Kinte 3577165 HW server oracle
r33zA 6317330 1
DaisukeHori 3577165 Mac OS MACBOOK
phucpacketfence 25557655 8.3
PaoloVeloce 25505934 8.1.0
mayanksourabh 11951292 1.0
dondon21 3577165 debian9
Moonsoon 24611379 Linux OS Linux PacketFence-ZEN 3.10.0(centos-7.0)
cousin007 15143478 android
ajrockefeller 3577165 8.3.0
jttel 15514130
cldavid 18447576 Surveillance Camera RC8110
wslee1987 3980884 VM
SBGNAC 3577165 8.3.0
Olansky 3577165 8.2.0
abelliu86 3577165 VMware, Inc. centos
leogmx 3577165 1
mdelazza 3577165 8.2.1
maureensmithtsus 3577165 8.2.0
willqq 15644 unknown version
ionum 18955154 0
ionum 5415 3.60R00
mziegler8888 13909998 Linux OS 8.2.0